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'The silent monkey' | Yin Yoga, massage & retreats

'The silent monkey' | Yin Yoga, massage & retreats

In need of extra stillness & relaxation?

My name is Wanda, Alchemical body coach, YIN therapist & Yin Yoga teacher. I provide at Guesthouse In de Aap private sessions Yin Yoga (1-3 pers.), meditation to think of Yoga Nidra, YIN massage, Photo shoots & day retreats in both Dutch, English and German. My sessions are aimed at women and can be booked separately or combined, with or without stays at Guesthouse in de Aap. 

“Thanks in part to Wanda, I had two wonderful recovery days during my stay at 'In the Monkey.' Really felt like a vacation! And as usual from Wanda, you get exactly what you need. Relaxed, full of new insights and inspiration to get back to work in daily life. Enough space to be quiet with yourself, to reflect on your own process. really coming home to yourself! 

- Ellen - 

Why “The Silent Monkey?

In our minds a sprightly monkey. A monkey swinging incessantly from one branch to another in a tree. That's just how our mind works when it's on autopilot. We go from one thought to the next impression, you name it. Thousands of thoughts thus pass through our mind, doing everything possible to bring our attention everywhere except the here and now. Just consider how many of your thoughts that you have spread over an entire day are about the past or the future. All thoughts that take place at a different time than here and now. If you let that monkey lead you all the way, you risk your life just passing you by.


During my sessions and day retreats I guide you through various techniques to complete relaxation of body and mind. There is no fixed program. All activities are tailored to your wishes, needs, goals and process. Sessions can be booked separately or in a personal retreat, individually or with a small group (max 3 people). With everyone I like to have a personal conversation beforehand to tune in together.


Boeken & info: | o6-46308088 

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Published 27-03-2022 / Copyright © Guesthouse & apartments In de Aap